We exist to TRANSFORM Next Gen Fathers, supported by Mothers, to build Better families resulting in a better Workplace, a better Society, and a stronger Nation.

Double our love, joy and peace in our families, to restore broken relationships, reshape the home environment and release Next Generation leaders, using Home as the starting point of leadership training.

Increase our income or net profit ethically and righteously, with value innovation to double our giving, with all bad debts settled and achieving oneness with money as a family, beginning with Fathers and Mothers, to model better financial stewardship.
Strengthen our mental and physical health through the cultivation of a positive mental attitude, holistic exercise and nutrition, resulting in high energy and wisdom to achieve things of great and lasting impact.

— Adaptable
— Versatile
— Optimistic
— Understanding
— Relationships
We partner with like-minded organizations to RESTORE, RESHAPE and RELEASE men and women to become better couples and parents in the context of original marriage with 4F Focus:
Family, Finance, Fitness & Favour.