Once a famous motivational speaker, Zig Ziglar asked his son who was then 15 years old, “What do you like best about your dad?” His son said, “The thing that I like best is that you love mom.” Zig naturally asked, “Son, why would you say that?” His son replied, “I know that if you love Mom you’re going to treat her right, and as long as you treat her right, we will always be a family, because I know how much Mom loves you. That means, I will never have to choose between you and Mom.”
When my three boys were young, I too asked them what they liked most about their Dad. They told me, “It’s the family time that we spent together, story-telling, watching movies, going for walks or to bookstore to buy their favorite books, playing wrestling, allowing them to sleep in Daddy’s room, getting their favorite ice-creams and most importantly – don’t scold mommy but always love each other deeply!” Wow, what a mouthful of words! Now all my boys are now working adults in their 20’s. We still keep our value of spending weekly family time together. Many things have changed, but our family is still first!
I recall, one day my youngest son, Nehemiah, who was then in Standard 4, told me, “Dad, today I purposely ran very slowly so that I won’t be selected to represent my class for the sport’s day.” I reprimanded him that he should do his utmost best in everything. He said, “But Dad, it’s no point for me to participate because you won’t be there!” That sent a shocking wave into me. I resolved to never again miss any of my kids’ special events. Finally, for the first time of my life, I accompanied Nehemiah to his sport’s day. Although he didn’t win any medals that day, I saw him running and participating every event with all his heart. At the end of the day, I asked him, “Nehe, what was your best moment today?” Without hesitation, he said joyfully, “Dad, it’s your presence!”.
If you are a father, what is it that your family members like best about you? Spend quality time with your loved ones, especially your children. They are growing up very fast each day. Time is ticking away. Children will not always be children and everyone potentially could die tomorrow. The best way that I know to build a lasting friendship with my kids is to put time into it. To make time for my family is an issue of setting priorities. Make time to catch hold of every special moment because that moment will never be repeated!
Reposted from old website 30 May 2016